Actually, the most important ingredient is still missing: the kids. I am still waiting for my class list.
The supplies came in last Friday. I hauled and unpacked and organized in a whirlwind of dust. I am wondering why I have so many highlighters and so few crayons. Items still missing include my planbook and my gradebook.
Envision Math sent a whole new set of teacher manuals to replace the error filled first edition. I needed to box my last years' set to be mailed to the publisher but panicked because it was loaded with teacher's notes on post-its to make it easier to use. However, on review of my notes they were mostly identifying the errors or failed lessons so I guess I can safely let go of the old to begin anew.
H.M. - our language arts curriculum- changed the cover of the student text. It looks the same inside but I am short by 4 workbooks. Can I use last year's leftover books?
I updated my webpage on the school website, and added Back to School information. I have vowed to go to the next level of technology use and actually use the website to communicate.
I need to learn how to attach documents and create links.
That brings to mind the beauty of teaching. Each year is new: all new kids, new supplies, a fresh start!
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