Friday, September 25, 2009

Another September Birthday Blues

Well, it was Em's birthday today which makes five this month. We made her the traditional birthday book in which everyone encloses an illustrated letter. I thought we had gotten off easy without cake this time because it was the end of the day, and none had shown up. We sang the usual song and rolled the birthday dice which selected the poem to be read. Then at least a half dozen students got on the bandwagon to roll the dice. They all claimed to have lost teeth which entitled them to a roll of the teeth dice.

In the end, the cake showed up. "Oh, rats," I muttered under my breath. "More cake, more sugared up kids."
The school board passed a resolution to disallow sweets at school, but what is one to do about the cakes that arrive willy nilly as each birthday occurs. Then, I bit my tongue because after all, it was a child's birthday which is really the most important day in their sweet but short lives.

A good teacher must always have a positive attitude even when the frosting is dripping off the top of the cupcakes, and the kid-lets are bouncing in the seats on a mellow chocolate high.

I corrected their math tests, fact tests, spelling tests and edited their fall paragraphs after school. I also planned out my next week and set the schedule correct for Monday.

I thought about my kiddoos as I played catch up in the work department, I need to reach past the surface, dive deeper into the consciousness of the world through the eyes of a child.

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